Find the growth companies in the Nordics and in Germany, and find the top talents in those companies.
The unique database MERIT500 helps you to find the right candidates and the right companies, and to interact with them.

MERIT500 RANKING keeps track of the Nordic business community. Our exclusive top lists compile and compare facts from the largest companies in the Nordic region and Germany.
The database MERIT500 has the most developed Gender Balance algorithm in the world, using a unique seven-level gender index scale. The MERIT500 algorithm is based on balance in the Board, Management Team, and Operational Positions in each company. Our premium users can search among all the companies in the MERIT500 database, using the whole seven-level scale (Triple-Balance, Double-Balance, Balance, Non-Balance, DominanceTotal, Double-DominanceTotal, Triple-DominanceTotal), and the Freemium user can search for any of the Triple-Balance, Double-Balance, Balance companies.
In the M500 RANKING some of the companies have given more detailed information about themselves and their CEO. All ranked companies have this possibility for a small fee.